"Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 10:08:44AM -0400, Ralph Crongeyer wrote:
>> Thanks Roberto.
>> I haven't been able to get to my box to check and see if the package was
>> available. Work is blocking outbound SSH connections. And I couldn't
>> anything on the web. 
>> Would a "Request For Package" make it into Sarge? Or just into Sid/Etch?
>Sarge is already released.  No new packages will be added.  An RFP, if
>the is actually packaged, will first go into Sid.  After a suitable time
>(10 days) it will go into Etch.  If no RC issues crop up, it will stay
>in Etch (with new version migrating in from Sid).  If unfixed RC bugs
>persiste, it will be removed from Etch and risk not being there in time
>for release.
>Roberto C. Sanchez
Thanks for the info. :-)

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