Hi, I'd like to use the scripts log_accum.in for CVS and commit_prep.in for projects using CVS to send mails to a mailing list. I don't understand how to configure them well. Could you please help me to do this ?
In fact, we are using CVS 1.12.9 included in Debian Sarge. I'm already tested other scripts but they didn't work well with the last format of message. I've downloaded the scripts from the package of CVS 1.12.10. So I've installed the scripts on CVSROOT on a project. I've changed the constant to use the new info format string, to emulate local users. I've put in CVSROOT/commitinfo : DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commit_prep.in -- %r/%p %s And in CVSROOT/loginfo : DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/log_accum.in %{sVv} However I don't understand how I can specify the email where the message is sent. Could you please tell me this ? I seems that the email comes from the line : push(@mlist_list, &read_file_lines("$MLIST_FILE.$i.$id.$cvs_user")); And $MLIST_FILE.$i.$id.$cvs_user is the file : $TMPDIR/${FILE_PREFIX}files.mlist I don't understand how this file is generated. I had a look at commit_prep.in and it is : #!/usr/bin/perl $TMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || '/tmp'; $FILE_PREFIX = '#cvs.'; if ($ARGV[0] eq '-u') { shift @ARGV; $CVS_USERNAME = shift (@ARGV); } $LAST_FILE = "$TMPDIR/${FILE_PREFIX}lastdir"; sub write_line { my ($filename, $line) = @_; open(FILE, ">$filename") || die("Cannot open $filename: $!\n"); print(FILE $line, "\n"); close(FILE); } $id = getpgrp(); &write_line("$LAST_FILE.$id.$CVS_USERNAME", $ARGV[0]); exit(0); There is no mention of that file. Regards and thank you for your help. -- Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau