--- Haldor Riddering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, > I just installed sarge on my machine, just > disconnected the harddrives > and installed a > fresh new one for trialing so have no worries with > partitions or windows > getting in the way. > [snip] > near future I want to be able to network the various > machines I have up > together and still be able to dialup > and surf/mail on this computer and later apt update > the other machines > through this as a gateway. > [snip] > > Haldor > Hello Haldor, The only thing you need to do is define your ppp0 as your default gw and that's all. Explain brefly in the following lines ok: 1. Dial up whith whichever program you like 2. Configure your ethernet card with ifconfig conmmand or atomatically. 3. once you are done # route -n this will show wich is your default gw you can identify it because under the header of "Flags" you will see an UG. 4. Ok now you must delete this gw if it exist if not see the next step: # route del default gw [the address that you get in the step above] 5. Finally you must set your default gw to the address of your ppp0 connection. # route add default gw [your ppp0 ip address] 6. Ping to an internal machine and some external address, it should work # ping [ip internal] # ping www.yahoo.com Note: Do not forget to check that your dns's are working. that is all, you must edit /etc/network/interfaces for do it atomatically. Reagrds Hope this help. -- Sergio Basurto J. If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. (Isaac Newton) -- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]