On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 10:35:01PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Vikki Roemer wrote:
> > Ok, the problem is, I have a processor that runs hot, and I have as many
> > fans as possible in the system (including putting an 80mm case fan on the
> > CPU with an adapter), and it still tends to overheat.  It will not shut
> form the rest of the stuff below ... your disk system is corrupted 

*sigh* Alright, I was afraid of that. :(  Thanks.

> - if your system boots properly .. and x11 looks oky fro a while ...
>   i'd bet the cpu is still okay...

Yeah, it's overheated at least 3-5 times a year (on a good year) for the
last 3 years, and the cpu is still ok.  I've gone through one motherboard
(and this one is working on dying too), but the cpu is always ok. Heh.

> - if you, or anybody, has to hit the reset or power switch at least once,
>   i say the machine is misconfigured ... or something is seriously wrong
>   with the existing hardware  ( i'm finicky about things working right
>   esp if means losing data if "something" is known to be wrong/flaky )
>       - reset and power switch should be hands off

Yeah, I've used Linux long enough to know that-- I just have
bottom-of-the-line hardware that doesn't know that. :)   On a normal
shutdown/reboot ACPI works fine, but when it overheats...

> - if you have a heat problem
>       - take the covers off
>       - put a standard $20 household fan on it and blow the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> out of
>       it ... skip all those mickey mouse 40mm/80mm/120mm fans

Aight, I'll try that.  Thanks. :)

> - the bios should should down the cpu in its "health monitor" section
>   if it has the capability .. otherwise, put an egg on it and have
>   breakfast sometimes ..

Heh, yeah, *should*.  But it's a cheap, sorry MB with a cheap, sorry bios,
so it doesn't.  For the record: never buy cheap hardware, especially Elite
Group motherboards.

Anyway, thanks for the help Alvin.  Till I get a new cpu, I will see if I
can get a fan for the computer.

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

He's dead, Jim. That's ten this week already.

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