
I'm searching for a MailWasherPro (for Windows) equivalent for my new
Linux Debian environment. That's a mail filter software that works
kind of like this:
It downloads only headers and first 20 lines of every email message
from a server so that you can manually choose what to delete and what
to leave on the server in order to be able to download them with your
regular mail client later.
There's also an option of building "friend's list", "blacklist" and
"mail filter rules" so that MailWasherPro can automatically check
specific email messages for deletion or something else.

I just want to be able to check and filter my mail and download only
the one I need since I get a lot of SPAM everyday and I don't feel
very comfortable letting an automatic mail filter that "learns my
preferences and gets smarter with time" to do this job for me. Nor I
want to deal with downloading with all that SPAM that I don't need
first and then determining what I want to delete.

Thank you,

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