On 8/2/05, Hans-Peter Sulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > How can I shutdown X to get a normal text mode terminal, > so that I can e. g. use X -probeonly >file 2>&1 so that > I can publish it here (X -probeonly doesn't work as long > as X is still running on another console). > > Currently the Gnome Display Manager (gdm?) is loaded > when booting (graphical login), and there seems to be > no option, to stop it, to get a text mode tty.
You can stop gdm with the command (as root): # /etc/init.d/gdm stop I'm not sure if that kills the X server, but it will stop it from re-starting. This is best done by first switching to a new console with C-A-1 (or 2), so that you don't accidentally kill the shell you're working in. > How can I change my installation, so that it uses > the KDE display manager, which I have heard, has > the possibility to stop X, to get a text tty. The following should do it: # apt-get --purge remove gdm # apt-get install kdm If you're using sid, you might want to hold off on switching to kdm, though, until the C++ ABI changes settle out (assuming that they haven't by now). > And how (with gdm and kdm) can I restart X11, after > doing some things in text mode (it takes a long time > to reboot Debian completely) Either # /etc/init.d/gdm start or # /etc/init.d/kdm start should do it. If not, you can run $ startx as a regular user. Personally, I don't have ?dm installed. Even though the first thing I do after logging in is to start X, I still prefer to get a console after booting. -- Michael A. Marsh http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~mmarsh http://mamarsh.blogspot.com