At 19:44 2005-07-31, you wrote:
On dim, 2005-07-31 at 19:22 +0200, Björn Johansson wrote:
> Well.. I haven't specified anything. Like I said
> before, I installed a precompiled
> package from my Debian system using Dselect.
It seems that now kernel packages try to setup the bootloader, but it
may have failed. If you're using lilo, take a look at /etc/lilo.conf, if
you're using grub, take a look at /boot/grub/menu.lst.
> I have several kernels to boot
> from and I really would like to get a 2.6
working, because the graphics don't
> work 8-(, and the kernel can't find my MX 1000 laser mouse + the standard
> 2.4 kernel can't even find my ATi
Radeon(9800XT) card. I'm thinking right now
> that before I should switch to Suse instead!
But I have been using Debian since
> 1999, so I don't really want to change to
another distribution unless I really
> haveto. This Debian Sarge distribution just
> didn't like my hardware and the cause
> of that was because the netinstall used a 2.4
> kernel instead of 2.6. Not cool!
I think you could have entered linux26 when booting the netinst to have
a Linux 2.6.
I forgot about that one. :-(
Perhaps I shall recreate all the partitions and start all over again, perhaps?
But that does seem overkill, but perhaps it's the easiest thing? :-/
I feel a bit lazy, have been using Windows a little to much lately
I think. :-)
I'm using grub and yes I will look at the config file once I get back to my
Linux system.. I have spent at least 24 hours in getting that Sarge system
to work, so I really don't like Debian right now, but tomorrow at gets number
one in Linux distributions once again. One thing I really like about Debian is
all the support I get! But when I'm using Linux I haveto work in text mode only
and it don't feel very modern browsing the web using Lynx! This is 2005. :-]
> Before,
> when I ran Woody I had a working system
together with a 2.6 kernel which I had
> compiled for myself. It was working nice, but
then I decided to reformat the
> system with Sarge instead. The old system was in a mess, and I didn't want
> to mix the old with the new.
> I read something about that there could be missing files in /dev.
> I will check this out later. Right now I'm sitting with WindowsXP, again..
> I need to switch off the computer and change harddrive since a dualboot
> solution makes it too hot inside the case. :-( Oh
> well, that's another story. :-)
> Interesting to see how many tips I can get in
this thread, I'll wait a bit..
> Björn