On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 06:08:24PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 07:42:57PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > When installing sarge, I was asked whether I wanted to install grub
> > as bootloader to my hard disk.
> > I said NO (I prefer lilo).
> > Then it asked me to explain just where I did want to install the boot 
> > loader.
> > I left the space blank and went on.
> > Of sourse it tried to install grup noplace, and failed with an error
> > dialogue.
> > 
> > Eventually this led me to the list of all phases if installation,
> > where I was able to tell it to skip the grub phase and proceed
> > directly to the LILO phase, which worked flawlessly.
> > 
> > Don't you think that it should have given me the option to install
> > LILO earlier in the series of questions, so it wouldn't have tried
> > running grub with invalid parameters?
> > 
> > As it is, I wouldn't have stuck it out if I hadn't already *known*
> > it was possible to use LILO.
> > 
> > -- hendrik
> I filed a bug report on just this issue when the new installer was still
> in testing. It was rejected. I've got to admit that there were so many
> issues that really needed fixing and so many issues where the installer
> team got it _right_, that this one is not so bad. But, since then I have
> seen a number of threads on this list about problems with grub. I wonder
> if, now that the new installer is a great success, this issue might not
> be re-considered. There are a lot of people for whom lilo is old-and-
> confortable, whereas grub is new-and-strange.
> -- 
> Paul E Condon           

The clincher for me was a package that made floppy boot disks -- it requires
lilo to be installed on the machine it's making boot disks for.

My son, on his machine, had an unfortunate experience with grub
last year when he first tried installing Debian sarge with the net installer.
He installed grub to the MBR and in teh process destroyed hes Windows XP
installation.  It was unrepairable.  He had to reinstall *everything*
from scratch.  Now he refuses to let Linux use the MBR and insists
on booting Linux from a floppy.

-- hendrik

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