On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 08:27 pm, Glennie Vignarajah wrote:
> Le Monday 25 July 2005 11:12, kadil(kadil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
> disait:
> Hello,
> > My experience with qemu was very good. I was able to set up a
> > virtual xp box without complication, and performance is very good.
> > Windows update was the only thing that would not work for me. Qemu
> > is a great project, and getting better!
>  How did you do that?
> Is there any special options?
> When I tried, WinXp installation looped infintely when it was doing
> the network configuration.
> Thanks!
It had to be a service pack 2 build of xp to work, from memory, otherwise 
there would be the failure on thereboot. From there it was a no-brainer, 
build an image file as a virtual hard disk. Use ip masquerade to forward 
theinternet. Boot the virtual machine with the installation disk and follow 
the prompts. Try a SP2 build of XP, if you have problems, I will redo the 
install on my new laptop and make up a howto.  Let me know.


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