On Tuesday 26 July 2005 00:02, Rajiv Vyas wrote:
> I am thinking about having three OS (XP, Debian and SuSE) on one HD. I'll
> mostly be using Debian (70%), XP (20 to 25%) and ocassionally SuSE. What's
> the best way to go about partitioning the HD. Will load XP first for sure.

It is my experience, that the Debian installer does a good job detecting other 
OS's. THerefore, I'd install that one last.
The Windows installer doesn't seem to understand the presence of other OS'es. 
Therefore, it will install itself to the MBR, overwriting anything there.
By the way, I experienced problems in Debian's autodetection of Windows XP, 
when it was already patched to SP2.

But the method is:
Windows (remember to have an SP2-installler-CD nearby in the case of Windows 
XP, as you should be unplugged from the network while installing)
SuSE GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux

Regards, Anders Breindahl.

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