On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 13:28 -0700, Anthony Simonelli wrote:
> I am planning on running a Squid Proxy, Postfix,
> Apache, webmail server here at my company and I was
> wondering if it was alright to run a Desktop or just
> X-Windows on this server.  I love using the
> command-line and have become pretty proficient with it
> (I always have a terminal open), but other people in
> my department are not and a Desktop will help them out
> a great deal.  They're used to a Windows NT type
> interface.
> I have always read that a desktop should not be
> running on a server but there is never an explanation
> as to why.  Is there any problem with running a
> desktop on a server other than performance issues? 
> The computer is a AMD 1.1 GHz with 1.256 GB RAM and
> 80GB drive with only 70 users so it should handle it
> just fine.

Minimalism is one key to security: the less stuff that's running
on your machine, the fewer openings there are for crackers.

If they need a GUI, then only install the GUI apps themselves, and
display them on a different machine.  That will reduce the amount
of X that is installed.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

"I for one welcome our cross-platform word-processing overlords."
Jeremy, on http://linuxtoday.com regarding StarOffice

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