On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 02:07:19PM +0530, Sandhya wrote:
> Hello,
> Greetings of the day. Please allow me to introduce myself as a member of the
> technical development team at EC-Council. Currently we are finalizing the
> release version of our courseware that prepares aspirants for the
> certification 'Certified Ethical Hacker' as awarded by EC-Council.
> In this context, we would like to seek your permission to include references
> to your tool " hammerhead (Analyzing Tool) " published at website url
> http://packages.debian.org/ as a resource material for the said
> instructional material. This will further enrich the knowledge base shared
> with the students and the intent is solely to disseminate
> knowledge-to-knowledge seekers.
> It would be an honor for us to feature your work here and look forward to
> hearing from you regarding your kind consent. All due credits will be given
> in the courseware in the research endnotes and if you would like to adhere
> to any specific copyright clause, please do let us know.
> We are committed towards protecting intellectual property and willing to do
> all that it takes to uphold this principle.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Thanks & Regards.
> Sandhya
> Research Associate
> International Council of E-Commerce Consultants
> http://www.eccouncil.org

I'm not the copyright holder or the author, just a subscriber to
the debian-user mailing list.  Most of the software distributed
as part of the Debian system is covered by the GNU public licence,
the Lesser GNU public Licence, or another relatively free licence,
ans copyright in these packages is held by a wide variety of individuals
and organisations.  (There are exceptions).  You'll have to look at the
licences that cover the individual packages yourself.  Fortunately,
I believe you will find the licence information in the packages
themselves, as distributed by Debian.  (Someone please correct me
if I am wrong on this.)

The GNU licences allow you to copy the works, make your own modifications,
and republish them under certain restrictions.  Make sure you read
the license information and find out what the restrictions are!

If there's anything else you need to know, make a more specific
request to the copyright holder, or here.  Maybe someone else will
know more than I.

By the way, it's generally considered in poor taste to post a number of
nearly identical messages here.  It looks like spam, even if it isn'e.


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