[KS] wrote:

>Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
>>On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 03:33:33PM -0400, [KS] wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I had tried my CSS skills to redo the mozilla localstart page, and sent
>>>the new one to the debian mozilla package maintainer for comments. Don't
>>>know why, but I never got a reply from the maintainer!
>>>The page is available at http://nvu.atspace.org/localstart.html It does
>>>not use any images from the web as the current local start page. As the
>>>page is distributed with mozilla on debian, I thought that it would be
>>>nice to have the look-and-feel of the debian website on the start page.
>>>The initial design was done when www.debian.org used images to make
>>>curves of the links in the red navigation bar. I simulated those using
>>>the -moz-border-radius mozilla style rule for making curved corners.
>>>(www.debian.org style sheet was recently changed to use -moz-border-radius).
>>>Please send in your comments and recommendations and feel free to
>>>download, save in on your machine and have it as your new localstart page.
>>Have you tried filing a bug at wishlist or minor priority?  Also attach
>>a patch that places the new page where the original is.  Make it as easy
>>as you can for the maintainer and you might find that your suggestion is
>>more readily accepted.  That said, the maintainer may simply not want to
>>bother with it.
>Ok, I filed a bug(wishlist) for a new localstart.html. Hopefully, the
>maintainer will respond in some way!
I love it. Good job. And now I've used it.
I don't know for what reason Takuo ( or others ) has not reply yet.
Maybe he's
busy doing things. We know he's doing a good job too.
In my opinion, at least this should be include in next mozilla update.
Keep the good work man and keep creating fresh ideas.


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