On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 07:50:45AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> These days in sid, I get lots of
> "Package x has broken dep on y"
> from apt-get, where x =
> odbcinst1debian1 libjack0.80.0-0 openoffice.org-bin
> gnome-control-center libgc1c2 libaspell15c2 xserver-xorg libenchant1c2
> libaiksaurus-1.2-0 aspell x-window-system-core libplot2c2 plotutils
> libwpd8c2 libaiksaurusgtk-1.2-0 pdl pdl pdl libtiffxx0c2 gksu
> libmyspell3c2 abiword-plugins abiword-doc pgaccess plucker-desktop
> libjack0.80.0-0 abiword aspell-en libtiff4-dev libjack0.100.0-0
> abiword-common abiword-common tapiir abiword-help jack-rack jamin
> e.g.,
> openoffice.org-bin has broken dep on libwpd8
> Am I doing something wrong?
Depends! x-) You are running sid! If you expected no 'bumps', then yes,
because sid has bumps. If you are familiar with sid, then no, as this is
a result of several software package transitions that are taking place
after the relase of stable(aka sarge). These bits of progress
representing the first wave of improvement towards the release of Etch.
Like any bump for sid, these things pass as soon as the transition is
complete. Dont upgrade these thing, or suffer the consiquences. You can
'hold' things for a while or wait it out.
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