On Friday 22 July 2005 19:33, Stephen R Laniel wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 09:18:29PM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> > Yes, it has. wpa-supplicant. And, as a working network has nothing to do
> > with GUIs, it is a daemon.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > > Is this sort of thing available?
> >
> > Not out-of-the-box, but you can probably script it up using
> > wpa-supplicant.
> With all due respect, Debian and its derivatives will never
> compete with OS X or Windows unless they make this seamless
> for the end-user. I shouldn't have to script it; along with
> a web browser and an office suite, seamless networking that
> you rarely have to think about is essential for the
> end-user.
> I'm perfectly able to script such a thing, but the average
> user shouldn't be expected to do so.
Of course not, but the average user does not set this up anyway, the IT geek 
that gives him or her the box does.  Wpa-supplicant takes no scripting, you 
just fill in the info, and call wpasupplicant.  not hard.  BTW the 
gnome-network-tool listed in this thread is bugy as hell and not yet ready 
for prime time.  Of course iwconfig eth/athX esssid "whatever" key s:xxxxx is 
not to hard to do.  But it is hard to come by how to config that..

But I do agree, linux has miles to go before joe internet can crash the 
internet using linux.  Ubuntu is making serious roads in to that realm, but 
they fall on the "Free" software.  Joe internet wants java and flash and 3d 
vid, and does not care that it is Non-free.  But for anybody who wants to get 
just a littel bit dirty, Linux flat out rocks.

Damon L. Chesser

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