On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 20:16:12 -0500 (CDT)
"w trillich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, July 21, 2005 5:31 pm, Darryl Clarke said:
> > On 7/21/05, w trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> apache: PHP Warning:  gd:  Unable to register functions, unable to
> >load > in Unknown on line 0
> >
> >> # grep -r gd.so /etc/php4
> >> /etc/php4/apache/php.ini:extension=gd.so
> >> /etc/php4/apache/php.ini:extension=gd.so
> > Your php.ini in /etc/php4/apache/ is loading the module twice.
> right. thanks, darryl. shoulda seen that.
> still, our GD library, altho the install/index.php script says it's
> ready for action, doesn't generate the first hint of a graphic --
> at least not for dotproject. (all we get is the broken image icon
> where a gantt chart should be.)
> is there a quick way to test the gd.so library from php to make sure
> it's operational? the manifest for php4-gd is rather anemic...

Have you tried running a simple php script that calls the phpinfo()
function to see what modules php thinks is loaded? 

If that looks successful, then a Google search for "php4-gd test script"
appears to have quite a few hits.


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