On 7/17/05, Glenn English <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 15:15 +0530, Deboo ^ wrote:
> > Has anyone got an read the Debian Linux Bible?
> Yes. And the one I got a few months ago is way old (2.2).
> The new book by Martin Krafft -- "The Debian System" is exactly the one
> I'd been looking for. It's an excellent discussion of sarge (3.1), and
> it's full of useful information: theory, philosophy, HOWTO, and why.


> And the best thing about it is that when it's lying open by the
> keyboard, the book doesn't try to close itself -- the pages lie flat.

If possible, could you take a picture and post it somewhere about
this, or just send it to me? I'm interested to see this.


Please don't Cc: me, I'm subscribed to the list.

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