Dear all!

It seems this is a debian ML settings problem.
I have the other 2 ML, when I click "Reply" it is addressed to MLs.
Even when I looked at Reply-to header I can see ML's address, but here
in debian ML we see the sender's address.
Should we contact to admin of debian ML?


On 7/15/05, askar k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all.
> Excuse me, that this question is not related to debian ML.
> The problem is that I'm using gmail for ML, it's very convinient.
> Today I knew that all mail I was sending by clicking "Reply" was not
> replying to ML, but to the original sender.
>  I beleive there are many debian users who use gmail for ML, if so
> could tell me is there smth like "reply to list" button in Gmail.
> Thanks in advance,
> askar

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