On Friday 15 July 2005 08:58 am, Wim De Smet wrote:

> On 7/15/05, Benjamin Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear friends:
> >
> > I have run into an unusual and inexplicable FTP authentification issue.
> > It's the first time I've ever had this problem in Linux, and I've been
> > using the same Dell 8200 Dimension computer for five years (on both
> > WinXP and different flavors of Linux).
> >
> > I've discussed this with my IP and my web host. They have advised me
> > that it's working fine at their end and they have made sure to clear any
> > firewall obstacles.
> >
> > My FTP works fine in Windows, but not in Debian. Or rather, let me say
> > that it was working fine the first two days of install, but for the past
> > three days has not.
> >
> > The situation is rather confusing. First, here is the output of ftp in
> > the console. Clearly, it's working fine, showing the remote file system
> > and uploading and downloading successfully:
> >
> >...
> Sounds like a problem between clients trying active/passive ftp. Could
> you verify whether the gui clients are trying to connect via active or
> via passive ftp?
> mvg,
> Wim
Dear Wim:

Thank you for writing.

How would I verify this. Please give me the precise command in the console and 
I'll be glad to do this.

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