On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 16:12 -0600, Ð∂äđ vÎяũŞ wrote:
> hey does anyone know how to do a system wide customization on Xterm i
> would like to customize it but every thing i have found on it refer to
> a file that isnt on my computer, they all refere to a file
> called .xdefault and i dont have that file and i also dont have the
> file called .xresources so does anyone know how i could accomplish
> this task of customization?

create the file .Xresources, in your $HOME directory if it's for your
use. you may need to ensure 'xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources' is run

various man pages should help further: X, xrdb

Michael Bane
Atmospheric Physics Group
University of Manchester

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