On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 10:27:10 +0200, Nikolai Hlubek writes:
>> I'm using Enlightenment (0.16.5-6), which seems to have a problem with 
>>  long menus, eg. ones that have more entries than will fit on the 
>>  desktop. When I select one of those (like Debian Menus/Apps/Net), I 
>>  see it pop up shortly, then it instantly vanishes.

>Enlightenment uses the debian menu structure which has per default many
>entries and I think the version you are using has had some problems with
>icon rescaling. Therefore the longer menus don't fit on the screen at all.

Icon rescaling? In my (limited, mind) understanding, icons don't come 
 into the picture here ;)

>I only have a few very poor hints, you probably already thought of:
>- Make a user menu for the applications you want to use.

Check. Have that for a couple years now. It's just that, sometimes, I'd 
 like to browse through the Debian menu structure. More comfortable 
 than `dpkg -l | egrep ^ii`...

>- The more recent versions of enlightenment seem to handle rescaling better

And here I was, hoping that with the long-awaited release of Sarge I 
 could stay with Debian stale, for at least a couple months ;)

>- Enlightenment has its own mailinglist. You can find it under
>www.enlightenment.org. It might be a good idea asking your question
>there. The new maintainer of E16 Kim Woelders is really doing a good job
>in making it better.

I'll try there next, thanks.

-- "24 Stunden Services" erkennt man in Australien daran, dass man
--  immer auf eine Handy-Nummer weitergeleitet wird, nach einigem
--  Laeuten jemand antwortet und der dir dann erklaert, dass er dir
--  eh nicht helfen kann, weil er gerade fischen ist."       - \rho

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