Do you get the same quality as on Windows? In my experience the quality
on Windows is still better :-(. Haven't tried printing photos on Linux.

I've had no luck at all printing directly onto CDs from Linux. If you
find something, please let me know! :-)


On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 10:19, Alvin Oga wrote:
> hi ya
> fyi... contrary to some (cups) howto's 
> epson stylus photo R300 w/ cups-1.1.23 seems to work fine :-)
>       - it'd be my first printer to ever work w/ cups
>       after fiddling with its config files for 8hrs or so
> - next step .. to print fancy graphics directly onto the CDs
>       ( guess what kind of CDs and it aint cd's w/ pics )
> c ya
> alvin
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