On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 14:26 -0400, Stephen Lokitz wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2005, michael wrote:
> > I guess it could be that the fans are ineffectual and therefore aren't
> > cooling satisfactorily so something (but what!) trips to stop the CPUs
> > (or power supply?) burning up... I think if you have a MS Windows boot
> > disk and just leave that and it cuts out that that would prove it's a
> > hardware issue
> > 
> > I've a custom made box with 2 3.x GHz Xeons in on a SE7320SP2 server
> > board and no problems I know off (fingers crossed!)
> > 
>       Well, I would agree, except that the fans are stopping first.  
> Then the system overheats.  I can't imagine the engineer who decided the 
> fans were more valuable than the CPU's.  I'll see if I can find a windows 
> boot disk.  That may prove to be difficult.  

reminder: I'm no h/w expert!

which fans stop? and do they have a sep PSU, say, that is o/heating?

but whatever the cause sounds like h/w so get the whole lot replaced!

you might also want to try posting to a relevant h/w newsgroup etc

Michael Bane
Atmospheric Physics Group
University of Manchester

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