On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 07:38 -0400, Kenneth Jacker wrote:
>   david> Perhaps, if you provide a leeetle more info.
> Yes, of course!
>   david> What program are you using to view these videos (totem,
>   david> mplayer, etc)?
> I'm running linux-2.6.8-2-686.  I click links (with 'firefox') on the
> CNN "video site", and a new window is created.  Within it is the
> opening "Media Player" animated logo which eventually displays the
> (silent) piece I've selected.
> "About:plugins" in 'firefox' shows, "Windows Media Player Plug-in
> Dynamic Link Library", followed by:
>      MIME TYPE                  DESC            SUFFIXES ENABLED
>      application/asx            Media Files     *        Yes
>      video/x-ms-asf-plugin      Media Files     *        Yes
>      application/x-mplayer2     Media Files     *        Yes
>      video/x-ms-asf             Media Files     asf,asx,* Yes
>      video/x-ms-wm              Media Files     wm,*     Yes
>      audio/x-ms-wma             Media Files     wma,*    Yes
>      audio/x-ms-wax             Media Files     wax,*    Yes
>      video/x-ms-wmv             Media Files     wmv,*    Yes
>      video/x-ms-wvx             Media Files     wvx,*    Yes

Hmm...I'm not sure I'm any closer to knowing what program you are using
to play the videos.

>   david> What format are they in? 
> Not sure.

Well, my guess is that they are real or wma or something. When I tried
to view a video at CNN's site, it told me i needed windows media player.
Looking at the javascript on the site (used to pop up the window in
which the video is played), I saw only (what i took to be) a few oblique
references to realplayer, flash, and windows media player.

It looks like this is a problem probably having to do with a lot of
non-DFSG conforming software, and I don't have a lot of experience in
that area.

Are you using crossover office or anything like that?


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