On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 11:42 -0500, Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

> While talking to
> the rep, found out that their DSL service wont work on Linux OS(they say 
> just MSWindows and
> MacIntosh OS).  I find this hard to believe 

You're right; they're wrong. They (almost) all say this. As someone else
said, "clueless."

What comes out of the DSL modem is TCP/IP on Ethernet. TCP/IP is *nix
native networking protocol. 

SBC may send a CD to new subscribers, full of M/W software -- that won't
work. And the glossy "Quick Start" instructions won't either. 

But the TCP/IP networking will work fine. Plug it into the Linux box,
configure it's networking (probably just tell it to use Ethernet instead
of PPP), and you're on the air.

Glenn English

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