On 7/11/05, roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- wim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
> > roberto wrote:
> > > Hi, i am trying to use a remote connection to a pc (k 2.2) from my own (k 
> > > 2.6.8, sarge) but
> > when i
> > > try to connect adding also X forwarding i receive the following if i try 
> > > to start an
> > application
> > > with X windows, like kwrite:
> > >
> > > X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
> > > kwrite: Fatal IO error: client killed
> >
> > * make sure your xauth is correct
> well, i do not even have the file /home/.Xautorithy, if you refer to it... if 
> else, could you
> explain me what are you referring to?

on you system running X do `xauth list $DISPLAY` and you should get
something like
localhost/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 
8d314b909cd1324f7a66b321bb889612.  You need to add this key to the
other system.  I use the following script to do it 'smooth':
if test $# -lt 1
cat <<EOF

        Usage: $0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [command]



test ${DISPLAY} != ${DISPLAY##:} && REMOTEDISPLAY=$(hostname)${DISPLAY}

xauth extract - $REMOTEDISPLAY | \
    exec ssh -2 $USERANDHOST " /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth merge - > /dev/null ;
    DISPLAY=$REMOTEDISPLAY xterm  -T $USERANDHOST -ls > /dev/null "  &
If I start `script [EMAIL PROTECTED], it opens a xterm on my localdisplay
from host.  My public key is on host.

> > * make sure your X is listening for connections.
> if you mean something like enable any host, well i gave the commmand "xhost 
> +" but the problem is
> still there

Try `netstat -nlp| grep 6000` and you should get something like:
tcp        0      0  *              
LISTEN     8252/X

I don't remember where I had to change the settings for X to change
that behaviour.

> Roberto
> Debian Sarge
> kernel 2.6.8

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