"Sridhar M.A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 10:33:16PM -0500, David Z Maze wrote:

>    > The Debian build of xcircuit doesn't use the Tcl wrapper, but it does
>    > use the Python wrapper.  If neither of these mean anything to you, you
>    > probably don't need either.
>    > 
> Yes :-( My understanding of the situation is this: the widget set used
> by xcircuit/xfig is Xaw based. If as the docs suggest, I can get tk
> widgets for the UI, it will be nice. That is the reason of my
> compilation experiment.

Fair enough.  <nods>

>    > It looks like this falls out of the Tcl wrappers.  Digging through the
>    > Makefile.am, you might want to run 'make tcl' before running the main
>    > 'make'.
>    > 
> No luck. Same problem. I still do not like the Makefile generated
> automatically. I have to add directories of xlibs and tcllibs and
> include files. It somehow does not check and get them.

Right; that looks like a deficiency in the autoconf stuff.  I can
start to compile if I run

  CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/tcl8.3 LIBS='-ltcl8.3 -ltk8.3' \
    ./configure --enable-tcl
  make tcl

and even then, 'make' fails without adding lib/tcl/xcircuit.so to the
xcircuit_LDADD line in Makefile, and still fails to find a main()
function.  It looks like the Tcl build actually produces
lib/tcl/xcircuit.so, and that's it; to run it, you'd somehow need to
run m4 over lib/tcl/xcircuit.sh.m4.  Alternatively, running

  cd lib/tcl
  XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR=. wish ./xcircuit.tcl

looks almost promising, but dies fairly quickly.

...aha!  Try this:

  cd lib/tcl
  m4 -DCONSOLE=tkcon.tcl -DWRAPPER_INIT=xcircuit.tcl -DLIBDIR=. \
    xcircuit.sh.m4 > xcircuit.sh

It still looks kind of rusty around the edges, but at least the main
window comes up.

> MIT:
>       The Georgia Tech of the North

...hey!  :-)

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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