On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 01:53:50PM +0200, Hans du Plooy wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I may have missed this, but is there some place (other than trying to
> keep up with the dev list) where I can get an idea of what the roadmap
> for Debian (particularly Etch) looks like?  Things like what big changes
> are coming, when e.g. X.org will be added, ect.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Kind regards
> Hans du Plooy
> SagacIT (Pty) Ltd
> hansdp at sagacit dot com

Hi Hans,
this is something that has been disucussed on debian-devel as you
mentioned. I think the list has references to debian developers own
'debian' home pages where they may have 'todo' lists for etch. At the
moment, I do not have the info handy. The other place I can think of is
the 'debian' wiki (wiki.debian.net), as many plans including Etch are
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