I am here to ask this question because I found some people in the local
forum have the same problem with the mailscanner. So I think maybe
somebody has successful experience of installing mailscanner in Debian box.


Ugo Bellavance wrote:

>Cheng-Han Tsai wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>Recently I installed MailScanner + Spamassassin for postfix. MailScanner
>>works very well for several hours after it startup. However, when time
>>goes by, MailScanner will just idle, even there are many messages
>>waiting in the postfix hold queue. The execution result of
>>"check_mailscanner" told me that it is fine, but actually it just stop
>>working !!! There is nothing in the log. Does anybody know what happen
>>?? Thanks.
>If you restart MailScanner, does it do anything?  Maybe you should ask
>the MailScanner mailing list...

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