<quote who="Raffaele Sandrini">
> Hi
> Is there a simple way to set up a NTP Server on Debian? I tried the ntp
> (and  the ntp-simple | ntp-reclock) package but it seemed that this was
> only a  client ntp daemon. It hasn't to be very acurate... just a time
> server wich  LAN clients can "ntpdate" to.
> Ok Some of u will say: "Why the hell don't you use "ntpdate" against an
> internet NTP server?!" Because i'm talking about a _large_ LAN on wich
> the  time isn't important to be set to +-0.0000001 sec. so it would be a
> unnecessary load on the internet NTP server.

the ntp package is a ntpd (ntp server), but you need to configure
it to synch with another server(search google or something to find
public servers).  My experience is unless the server is properly
synchronzed against another server clients will refuse to update
because it is out of synch. you can use the ntptrace command to
see if it is in synch:

# ntptrace saratoga.linuxpowered.net
c2503-ipnat-wa-48.linuxpowered.net: stratum 3, offset -0.001254, synch
distance 0.10522
Gabe.KJSL.COM: stratum 2, offset 0.002628, synch distance 0.01434
tick.gpsclock.com: stratum 1, offset -0.004762, synch distance 0.00117,
refid 'PPS'

one time my entire network fell out of synch and i finally traced it
back to my main NTP server could not reach any of the servers I had
configured it to use anymore, so it was out of synch. Once i added
new servers within a few minutes everything was fine again

there may be a way around this, I'm not sure


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