On 27 Jun 2002 06:53:05 -0400 Andrew Biggadike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You mentioned a rescue CD, how do I go about creating one?  Is that a
> PartitionMagic rescue CD or a Linux rescue CD?

The Debian CDs can be used as rescue CDs. Otherwise, you can either
download boot diskette images from Debian, or have rescue disks made by
the mkboot command (debianutils package).

> Instead of creating new partitions, do you know if it is possible to
> shift the /boot and beginng of / down into the free space (thereby
> increasing the size of /)?

You forgot to say how you have provided for the dual booting. Are you
using lilo? grub? If lilo, is it on the mbr (/dev/hda) or on /dev/hda3?

Anyway, if you have problems after moving/resizing the partitions,
boot from the Debian CD, write "linux root=/dev/hda3" at the lilo
prompt, and you'll boot into linux. Then take whatever measures
applicable (like running /sbin/lilo as root if you use lilo to boot).


Carlos Sousa

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