On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 19:44, Vikki Roemer wrote:
> My version of XFree86 is 3.3.5 .
>  From my /etc/X11/XF86Config file:
> Section "Pointer"
>    Protocol        "IntelliMouse"
>    Device          "/dev/mouse"
>    BaudRate        1200
>    Emulate3Timeout 50
>    Resolution      200
> EndSection
> Was that the right file?  It looks different than what everyone else is 
> posting.
Hi again!
No wonder our files look different than yours, you are using a very old
version of the XFree86 server! Is that Debian Potato or even an older
version you installed?
Anyway; this is how is used to look like in my /etc/Xf86Config file in
the days of the XF86 3.3.6 server:
Section "Pointer"
  Protocol              "IMPS/2"
  Device                "/dev/psaux"
  SampleRate            60
  BaudRate              1200
  ZAxisMapping          4    5
  Buttons               3
And it used to work in Debian, Slackware, SuSE, Storm, Mandrake and

Helgi Örn

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