
On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 06:01:26AM +0200, Michal Zachar wrote:
> Running xmms ver 1.2.7 shows error on xconsole:
> Init failed //Common/rmacore.so.6.2: cannot open shared object file:No
> such file or directory.

Hm, I have:
[EMAIL PROTECTED](734)[~/WWW]: locate rmacore

So it seems, it belongs to Real Player. Since there is only a
realplayer installer package, dpkg -S doesn't find the correct

Or you have compiled the realaudio plugin for xmms yourself, and it
got lost but xmms tried to load it. Look in .xmms/config or

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz                   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|          WWW: http://fsing.fs.uni-sb.de/~stse/            |
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