On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 18:16, G. L. `Griz' Inabnit wrote:
>       I just noticed this thread. VMWare definitely WILL install VMTools with 
> an
> emulated SCSI drive. I've done it time and again. But, foremost, which
> version of VMWare are you running??? From 3.0 and up, VMTools are built INTO
> VMWare!! You don't need to install from a CD-ROM.
>       Beside that point, where is  /dev/cdrom  pointed now?
/dev/cdrom points at /dev/sr0
VMware is version 3.1.1 build-1790.
With W2k as guest OS you have to initiate the vmwaretools installation
from the menu Settings -> VMware Tools Install, from that point it is
supposed to install automatically from a simulated CD-ROM (I can see the
files if I open D:\) but it only starts the installation and then it
dissappears and I keep getting the message *vmwaretools is not
installed*. I can initiate D:\setup\Setup.exe and the same thing
Yes vmwaretools are included in the program but not inside the guest OS.

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