On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 10:18:02AM -0400, Matthew Tedder wrote:
| I got Debian installed through through the net install version, but
| it never connected me to the network.
| There was a point at which it asked me if I wanted to setup a point-to-point 
| connection, but I just want to connect to the network and the gateway server 
| for Internet.  So I said "No" and no other options arose for connecting to 
| the Internet.
| This also means that I now have a very basic install and cannot apt-get 
| anything over the Internet, as I was hoping to do.
| Should I have said yes to a PPP connection?!  Do I now have to set this up 
| manually or is there a utility?

The easiest thing to do (if you do have a "direct" connection, eg
ethernet) is just edit /etc/network/interfaces and enter the proper
info.  Then run 'ifup eth0' to bring up the interface.  'man
interfaces' will tell you about the format of the file, if the
existing one isn't obvious enough.



A violent man entices his neighbor
and leads him down a path that is not good.
        Proverbs 16:29

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