A word of caution( i might be wrong but that's my
experience), i am very new to linux/gnome i tried
installing 2.2 on woody 3.0r1/xfree86 4.3.0, it got
into eternal unresolvable conflicts with the versions
i.e some package is expecting > and other expecting <
of the same package. i think something with
gnome-core, when i installed 1.4.2 everything went
well and is works fine.

--- Xucaen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am very confused. 
> I had thought that installing Gnome on top of
> woody 3.0 r1 would be as easy as "apt-get install
> gnome" but apparently not. I have read some
> things that made my head spin. so here I am. 
> I did a dist-upgrade using my new woody 3.0 r1
> CD's (upgraded from a potato 2.2 r3) everything
> seemed to install fine.. Now all I need to know
> is:
> a) what packages I need to install to get gnome
> installed and running and 
> b) how do I know if the version of xfree that got
> installed is the right one for gnome?
> Jim
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