on Wed, Jun 12, 2002, Michael D. Crawford ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Running Linux looks pretty good.
> The edition available at http://www.chapters.ca/ is from 1999.  The 
> website seems to say there is an upcoming 2002 edition, but when I click 
> the link on chapters' website it takes me to the wrong page.
> I couldn't find anything about a 2002 edition at O'Reilly's website.  Does 
> anyone know anything about it?  I guess it's not comin out real soon or 
> else they'd have advance notice of it, but it would be nice to have the 
> update.  There's been a lot happened to Linux since 1999.
> O'Reilly also lists a book called Learning Debian GNU/Linux by Bill 
> McCarty, but it is out of print.  One can read it online though:
> http://safari.oreilly.com/main.asp?bookname=debian

It's one of the more spectacularly worthless O'Reilly books.

A friend (Peter, you hangin' here?) just pointed out the LINUX: Rute
User's Tutorial and Exposition -- 660 pages covering a broad range of
topics, with pretty good organization.  Skimming a couple of chapters I
found two mistakes (128 MiB is no longer the single swap partition
limit, 'dd' comes from the MVS JCL 'data definition' command, from which
it borrows syntax), and some points I'd quibble (the partitioning is a
bit lean).  But for the price, it's not bad:



Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   TWiki:  documentation for the GNU millennium.

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