Hello, I had an error while installing gstream-* package. The same error occurs when I launch gstream-properties
Francois : gstreamer-properties INFO (25923: 0) Initializing GStreamer Core Library version 0.6.0 INFO (25923: 0) CPU features: (00000000) MMX SSE registry: loaded global_registry in 0.038972 seconds (/var/lib/gstreamer/0.6/registry.xml) GStreamer-ERROR **: No default scheduler name - do you have a registry ? aborting... Francois : Any idea ? Thanks François -- Debian SID Linux tanna 2.4.20-freeswan-ipvs-xfs #7 SMP Tue Feb 11 11:01:05 CET 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux Linux Counter #59413 PGP fingerprint : 9AFA 15EC 96C9 F607 EBC1 DD41 70C5 F0E0 25A5 105B
Description: PGP signature