On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 05:06:59PM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
| Jamin W. Collins wrote:

| >Have you tested the new memory?  Memtest86 is a great tool for doing just
| >this.
| I tried loading this in lilo and I got a fatal error that the kernel 
| doesn't support ram disks....

I suspect your lilo config is not right.  memtest86 is a program that
comes with it's own patched (and minimal) linux kernel.  It simply
runs.  It does not use an initrd.  My grub stanza looks like this :

title       memtest86
    root    (hd0,0)
    kernel  /boot/memtest86.bin

| I suppose I could load this on a floppy eh?
| what's that command:  'dd something'...

    $ dd if=/boot/memtest86.bin of=/dev/fd0

it doesn't even require a boot loader, but it can be convenient to be
able to run it straight from your hard disk.



For society, it's probably a good thing that engineers value function
over appearance.  For example, you wouldn't want engineers to build
nuclear power plants that only _look_ like they would keep all the
radiation inside.
    (Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)
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