I installed the package "syslog-ng", replacing the package "sysklogd".
After this, my kernel logs (including my "iptables" logs) no longer
went to  /var/log/{kern,debug,messages}, or any other file in /var/log.
Syslog-ng would log the usual daemon messages.
After spending 5 hours alterning the new  /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf,
I saw that my Debian Linux needed only a reboot [aka Windows].
Actually, I didn't reboot, I ran
   /etc/rc2.d/S10syslog-ng stop
   /etc/rc2.d/S11klogd     stop
   /etc/rc2.d/S10syslog-ng start
   /etc/rc2.d/S11klogd     start

Normally, one would restart these in /etc/init.d,
which I had been futily doing, but the start order
seemed necessary from /etc/rc2.d .
The two packages syslog-ng [or sysklogd] and klogd, 
as the documentation says, work closely with each other. 
The package klogd sends kernel logs 
(including my wanted iptables firewall logs) to the syslog daemon.

As long as I have the pulpit, I'll comment on syslog-ng a little more,
and elucidate some documentation.
In several ways, syslog-ng eases my logging.
a. My firewall messages cluttered my /var/log files 
   almost to uselessness.
   Since my firewall rules logged with options like,
         -j LOG  --log-level info  --log-prefix "FIREWALL"
   then every syslog message included the string "FIREWALL".
   Knowing this, I added three lines to /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf,
      filter f_firewall { match("FIREWALL"); };
   With the following additional lines,
      destination firewall    { file("/var/log/firewall.log" \
                   owner("root") group("adm") perm(0640)); };
      log { source(src); filter(f_firewall); destination(firewall); \
                                                   flags(final); };
   all my iptables "FIREWALL" logging went to the file
   Notice the "flags(final)", which prevents looking at 
   further "log" rules for an incoming matched message 
   [after looking at the syslog-ng documentation cross-eyed,
   one finally sees how to write this option].
   My iptables firewall logs now go to ONLY one file---wonderful.

b. Before, syslog messages were repeated across 
   several files in /etc/log/.
   While this helps the administrator see logs several ways,
   including time-sequenced messages in /var/log/syslog,
   many of my log files became unuseable,
   having over 1 million lines after 1 week's logging.
   Using many "flags(final)" as above, 
   I need see no duplicate log messages.

Additional comment:
One default configuration line had,
   source src { unix-dgram("/dev/log"); internal(); };
The syslog-ng documentation 
in /usr/share/doc/syslog-ng/sgml/syslog-ng.ps.gz
said linux uses SOCK_STREAM while BSD operating systems use SOCK_DGRAM,
which lead me to wrongly attempt changing this line to "unix-stream", 
as several other people on-the-web also attempted.
Additionally, the syslog-ng documentation didn't tell if the above
"source" entry represented,
   unix-dgram AND internal
   unix-dgram OR  internal
It represents the latter, 
logs coming from either unix-dgram OR internal.
This "internal()" was necessary to get kernel logs processed 
by syslog-ng.

This syslog-ng package is Linux-candy.

Jameson C. Burt, NJ9L   Fairfax, Virginia, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.coost.com
(202) 690-0380 (work)

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