The Athlon processor falls under i386 architecture so you can start there.  AMD processors (Athlon & Duron) are Intel processor compatible and the i386 refers to the Intel 80386 predecessor to the Pentium series. 
A good start would be here which is the soon to be released Debian 3.0 or "Woody".  It's still in the final stages of release but it's pretty stable and I believe it is recommended for new installs (others can correct me if I'm wrong).
If you must run the older "Potato" Debian 2.2 then you can find install docs here 
-----Original Message-----
From: mcf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 4:33 PM
Subject: installing debian

Hi, I need to install Debian and I've looked at some of the information about installation and I understand the first step is to read material specific to individual infrastructure for example, alpha, sparc, power pc. . . .
I have an AMD athlon processor Iand an asus motherboard I don't see that this corresponds to the available options of infrastructure listed?  Does it?  what type of infrastrucutre should I relate to?  Can someone please advise me?  Much thanx in advance.

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