on Wed, May 29, 2002, Andrew Sweger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I need to locate individuals in the Irvine, California area with
> Debian skills for hire. Is this an appropriate forum to seek such
> folk? (I don't want to be accused of advertising.) Any objection to
> posting details about what I need? Or is there another more
> appropriate place to do this?

First, thanks for asking.  Many recruiters don't.

Second:  no, this isn't the appropriate forum[1].  Recruting is
advertising, is subject to the Debian list advertising policy:

    The Debian mailing lists accept commercial advertising for payment.
    The fee for advertisments is a donation of USD 1000 or more to
    "Software in the Public Interest" (SPI). One donation per
    advertisement, please. If you prefer to pay in arrears, simply post
    your advertisement to the list, and the list operator will bill you
    USD 1999. The list operator will donate this amount, minus the
    expense of collecting it, to SPI. Please note that the lists are
    distributed automatically -- messages are generally not read or
    checked in any way before they are distributed.


The reasons vary.  People familiar with the peak of the dot-com rush, or
the discovery of Usenet by spammers (and recruiters) in the early/mid
1990s, will be aware of the strongly negative impacts even good
intentions compounded can have.  The outright spamming of lists and
groups, often many times per day, by recruiters utterly destroyed the
value even of forums specifically dedicated to recruitment.

As for suggestions that Debian / SPI go into the recruiting/advertising
business, unless you're willing to back your endorsement  with a
committment of time and effort, I'd strongly advise against it.

There are numerous forums dedicated to employment and recruitment.
There are many Debian developers and users with resumes posted online.
I'd suggest either of these as preferable alternatives.



1.  Speaking with conviction, but no authority.  I'm just another
    subscriber here.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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