Jerome Acks Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 02:18:19AM -0400, Jeremy wrote:
>> I'm new to using grub for booting my OS's.  I recently bought a new HD, and 
>> I've dedicated that one to Linux and left Windows 2000 on the old one.  The 
>> new HD is /dev/hda.  I have a Zip100 on hdb, my dvd-rom on hdc, and my cd 
>> burner on hdd.  I have a ATA card installed that the old HD is attached to 
>> (along with a couple of other HDs that aren't booted, but just used for 
>> storage), and it winds up being /dev/hdg, with Windows on hdg1.   
> AFAIK Windows won't boot at all unless it is on /dev/hda. 

     But you can fool Windows.  I have DOS 6.22 on /dev/hda1 and
Windows ME on /dev/hdb1.  The following stanzas in menu.lst let me
boot either one, as well as linux:

# For booting DOS
title DOS 6.22 on /dev/hda1
hide (hd1,0)
unhide (hd0,0)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader  +1
# For booting Windows ME
title Windows ME on /dev/hda1
unhide (hd1,0)
hide (hd0,0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader  +1

     I may have gone overboard somewhat on the `map' clauses, but it
works for me.  I have another DOS partition (for data) on /dev/hdc1,
and the above makes DOS think /dev/hdc1 is both drive D: and E:, which
is a little odd, but no problem.


  |_)  _  |_       Robert D. Hilliard      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |_) (_) |_)      1294 S.W. Seagull Way   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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