I just realized I started this thread, several topics ago!

> Nothing like militaristic Nazi Germany will happen again
> while the US is the lone "hyperpower".

Unless fascism takes root in the United States itself. Please read my essay "Is This the America I Love"


> Most Americans tend to be isolationists and pacifists, it took Pearl
> Harbor to "awaken the sleeping giant".  It actually created a giant
> "superpower" as we like to refer to ourselves.  Then on Sept. 11 the
> giant awoke again.  If something like 1939 were to happen again, we will
> be there.

About forty years prior to 1939 the United States carried out such pacificistic activities as the war in the Philippines, something few americans even know about today, but in which countless numbers of innocent filipinos were very cruelly killed in the name of the United States' colonian ambitions.

One of the few people to speak out against the atrocities in the Philippines was Mark Twain (the pen name for Samual Clemens), for which he was widely regarded as a dangerously unpatriotic scoundrel.

http://www.boondocksnet.com/ai/twain/ has some of his writings on the matter. Try a google search for:

"mark twain" war philippines

And you'll find lots of pages about it.


Michael D. Crawford
GoingWare Inc. - Expert Software Development and Consulting

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