On Sun, May 26, 2002 at 11:33:13PM -0700, Jeff wrote:
> I think you're in for a load of work on this task.  An idea I have is
> if you have an IMAP server available that you can move all the mail
> onto with the Windows mail client, you could then access the IMAP
> folders with Mutt or fetchmail and pull them into your mbox/maildir
> folders.
> jc
so, uhh, how do i setup an IMAP server?  and won't the mails show up as
from me?  the thing i'm thinking *might* work would be to export the
mails, but then it will be a matter of importing the mails into the
folders, as some of the mails are from mailing lists that i am still on,
from before i started using linux, but continue to receive these mailing

I believe that Outlook offers the ability to export to text, but uhh,
i'm not sure how well it would work, since, well, last time i checked my
outlook's .pst file, it was around 250MB... so perhaps I should just
forget about keepin those emails...

- steev
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