On  0, Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sometimes when I go to sites that are dependent on Java (like my 
> school's main web-accessible database/portal, and like www.popcap.com 
> for games, etc) the features on that site don't work as they should. Is 
> this because:
> 1) These sites are using non-standard Java features that only work with 
> a few browsers/OSes?
> or
> 2) Java for Linux is buggy/broken/missing features?
> or
> 3) Because I don't have my Debian box/Java configured properly?
> or
> 4) Some other cause?
Sorry, Kent, my psychic function is a bit on the blink at the moment.

Which browser are you using?

Which Java do you have installed?  Kaffe?  Blackdown?  Sun?  1.2?
1.3?  1.1.x?  1.3.1?

What features are the websites trying to use (Swing?  AWT?)

Wich version of Java do the websites say you need?

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

"A child of five could understand this.  Fetch me a child of five."
        - Groucho Marx

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