On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 09:05:45AM -0400, Arthur H. Johnson II wrote:
> My bank's online account program only works with netscape classic, but
> recently they decided to only allow Red Hat 6.1 machines to access the
> program because they can "support" that version of Linux.  In other words,
> instead of supporting the browser, they support the OS they read from the
> broswer string.  Stupid, I know, but is there a way to masquerade my
> Netscape Classic browser to look like its coming from a Red Hat 6.1
> machine or better yet a Win95 machine?
> The account program only works with Netscape as well, not Mozilla or
> Opera, I already tried that.

Not sure about netscape, but with mozilla you can set a fake browser
string. I use it quite often (the info is in the doc directory when you
install mozilla-browser).

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