On  0, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-05-13 at 19:12, stan wrote:
> > OK, A recent Slashdot story leads me to the question.
> > 
> > Is ther spectographich (audio) software that I can run on my Debian woody
> > box?
> What is spectographich software?  Do you mean "spectragraphic"?
> Sounds like the "graphic" 1/2 of a graphic equalizer applet.
Or are you trying to do signal-processing type stuff?  If you are,
then GNU Octave has some good stuff, or (if you feel rich) Matlab runs
on Linux...

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

"A child of five could understand this.  Fetch me a child of five."
        - Groucho Marx

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