This is purely how *I* would do it, there is sure to be a Better Way

On  0, Jeff Maxson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Awhile back I purchased a video card that was only supported by version
> 4.1 of Xfree86.  At the time, woody didn't have it in it's repertoire, so
> I installed it manually from the tar.gz files found at the homepage of
> xfree.  Of course, now woody has the 4.1 version in it.  I have installed
> the debian version with apt-get, but I am not sure if the "X" that is
> actually being used is the one from my self-installation or the one from
> the apt-got version...(is it overwritten? that would solve the whole
> thing) So,
> 1) how do I know which one is actually running?
ps auwx | grep X

will tell you which executable is running.

dpkg -L xserver-common

will tell you where apt put the woody version.

With any luck you know where you put your version.

> 3) how do I delete the self-installed version and not hurt the debianized
> one?

I wouldn't worry.

> 2) how do I convert from the self-installed to the apt-got version?

rm -rf /path/to/where/you/installed/X
apt-get --reinstall install xserver-common

and all the other X packages.

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

Never argue with an idiot.  They drag you down to their level, then beat you 
with experience.

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