> Hello, > > I tried to install woody via the net. I downloaded the compact-boot and > compact-root 1.44MB floppies, version 3.0.22-2002-04-03, bootet the machine > and installed everything else from the net (using ftp.de.debian.org as a > mirror). > > Everything works fine until the newly booted system asks for timezone and > password settings. After the last password-related question ("create normal > user account?"), it loops back to the first question ("is the system clock > set to GMT?"). This repeats endless. > > I have this behaviour on two different machines, both using english and > german as the language for the installation process. > > It seems that /sr/sbin/base-config is running the different config scripts, > and starting wirh 25pcmcia, they fail and return with error code 10, because > db_get fails somehow - I could ot trace this further because I do not know > how this database mechanism is supposed to work.
I had the same problem, drew the same conclusions as you did, and decided to visit [EMAIL PROTECTED], where I found this link: http://wiki.debian.net/DebianWiki/DebianWiki/WoodyNetinstBaseconfigLoop It worked for me, I have advanced further in the install process (still not finished, though) Hope this helps, Matthijs -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]